Enjoy lakeside senior living in Shoreview, MN
Living options available at SummerHouse of Shoreview
Included amenities
- Billiards
- Basic cable tv
- Fitness center
- Library
- Wood shop
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Car wash bay
- General store
- Guest suite
- Handyman services
A look at some of our floor plans
SummerHouse is conveniently located in Shoreview, MN.
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Bill Callen
Housing Director
Building with love: SummerHouse of Shoreview Woodchucks
“Made in America by American Seniors” is the motto of the SummerHouse of Shoreview Woodchucks. In 2020, a group of residents restored and equipped the woodworking shop and have created a cottage industry to create and sell handcrafted wood items. All proceeds are donated to the Presbyterian Homes Foundation.