
Presbyterian Homes & Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

When you support Presbyterian Homes & Services (PHS) with the gift of your time, dollars or assets, you are strengthening the ministry and touching lives in tangible ways. 

The Presbyterian Homes Foundation enables you to give in the manner best fitting your values, wishes and circumstances. Whether offering a gift today, planning for a future gift, or recognizing a specific employee or group of employees as a Shining Star, the Presbyterian Homes Foundation team is ready to help. Your gift plays a critical role in enriching the lives and touching the hearts of residents, customers or employees. 

You can also give your time as a volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people who share your interests and values. Working together by bringing smiles to the eyes of those we serve fosters strong friendships and a sense of community. Share your talents, expertise and passion today.

Contact the Presbyterian Homes Foundation at 651-631-6100.

Giving options

Give monthly

Thank you! Becoming a Monthly Giver is a convenient and ongoing way for you to enrich the lives and touch the hearts of residents and employees.

Monthly giving form

Your credit or debit card will be charged the amount you specify when making your first Monthly Giver donation. The charge will automatically continue each month, on the date of your first gift, unless you choose to change it. You can increase, decrease or stop your donation at any time by calling 651-631-6100. Please ask for the Foundation.

(Please note: If you would like to make a donation to Mercy Medical Center or the DeWolf Family Innovation Center for Aging and Dementia, please visit the Mercy Medical Center Foundation website.)

Give once

Thank you! You enrich lives and touch hearts with your gift to Presbyterian Homes & Services.

(Please note: If you would like to make a donation to Mercy Medical Center or the DeWolf Family Innovation Center for Aging and Dementia, please visit the Mercy Medical Center Foundation website.)

One-time donation form

Make a Big Impact With a Future Gift

Generosity comes in many forms, and it’s often the best way for you to support important causes that matter the most to you in your life. When you give to Presbyterian Homes & Services, you help us make a difference.

Shining star gift

Did you receive exemplary service from an employee? This is the perfect way to celebrate your Shining Star!

Shining star giving form


If you are seeking an opportunity to serve others and make a difference in their lives, Presbyterian Homes & Services would like to connect with you!

If you experience difficulty making a gift or you have questions, call The Presbyterian Homes Foundation at 651-631-6100. You can also mail your gift to:

Presbyterian Homes Foundation
2845 Hamline Avenue North
Roseville, MN 55113

Rooted in generosity

In 1952, Lillias Joy generously gifted 20 acres of lakeshore property in Arden Hills, Minn., on which the first Presbyterian Homes community for older adults was built. Since that day, people like Lillias have carried on the legacy of giving by supporting Presbyterian Homes & Services.

Thank you, donors!

You are an important part of our mission to touch the hearts and enrich the lives of older adults. Your gifts impact our mission more today than ever before. You are a blessing!

Donors enrich lives

Read stories of ordinary people making an extraordinary difference at PHS communities in Enriching Lives.

Ways to give

Help change lives and meet the needs of individuals and communities at Presbyterian Homes & Services.

Giving monthly is a convenient and ongoing way for you to enrich the lives and touch the hearts of residents and employees.

Did you receive exemplary service from an employee? This is the perfect way to celebrate your Shining Star!

Make a gift commitment that will support PHS in the future.

Most of our communities are welcoming new and existing volunteers!

Explore giving

There are many ways to provide support for your community and residents, honor loved ones and help PHS employees providing compassionate care to reach their career goals.

PHS Employee Hardship

Employees are the most important resource in the PHS ministry. When life challenges employees with home fires, serious illnesses, unplanned burial expenses of loved ones or other hardships, you can help. Making a charitable gift to PHS Employee Hardship is a significant – and easy – way to extend your care.

Employee Appreciation

Employees offer care and compassion to older adults every day. Support these frontline heroes by making a Shining Star donation for a specific individual(s).

Benevolence Fund

Help bridge the gap between income and expenses for PHS residents facing financial hardship due to prolonged illness, the loss of a spouse or increased healthcare needs. Last year, PHS provided nearly $5 million to help residents bridge financial gaps.

Greatest Needs

Enhance and enrich communities by supporting special projects at your community. Gifts to special projects allow community leadership to respond quickly to opportunities that are unbudgeted for the year. Most often these opportunities are ideas residents and families have shared.

Employee Education Assistance

As an organization where people make lifelong careers, PHS is committed to help employees achieve their personal and professional goals. By giving to scholarships, you make a critical difference in the lives of employee learners.

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Life

Chaplains provide the ministry of presence to residents and their families. PHS is committed to providing access to spiritual care for all interested residents and their families, regardless of faith persuasion. Chaplains help to ease the transition to a new lifestyle, conduct prayers and services and lead Bible studies.

Memorial and Living Tributes

Honor someone who has touched your life with a gift to PHS in his or her name. Gifts In Memory Of and In Honor Of are welcome anytime.