Finding a suitable place to live and accessing health care resources can be challenging. But a housing counselor can make it simpler. They will listen and help you find the best housing and health care options. You have the freedom to join a PHS community or use our services.

We are always here to help you, regardless of your decision. Just reach out to us for more information.

Follow tips from AARP to support senior living conversations and decision-making.

If you or a loved one is affected by Alzheimer’s or other dementias, the Alzheimer’s Association offers valuable research, support and care resources. The organization offers state and regional chapters, enabling you to participate in nearby programming and support.

Selling and moving can feel daunting. But it’s also a time filled with excitement as you prepare to improve your life at a PHS community. Wondering how to get there quickly and easily?

State resources

Explore resources by state


  • Aging Resources of Central Iowa
    Adults 60+ years of age or persons 18+ with a disability, contact an I&A Specialist with any of your questions.
    Phone:  515-255-1310 or 800-747-5352
  • Iowa Family Caregiver
    A Family Caregiver Support program which helps to connect you to local area agencies on aging (AAA).
  • Iowa Health & Human Services
    HHS provides support and services to Iowans aged 60 years and older. They also help people in this age group with more specific social and economic needs.


    This resource database offers you information on a wide range of community services for older adults, including: home care, adult day services, housing, long term care and meal plans.
  • Minnesota Senior Linkage Line
    This free service offered by the State of Minnesota (Minnesota Board on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging) makes it easy for you to find older adult community services and to plan for the future.


  • Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
    The ADRC provides information on a variety of programs and services. That includes long-term care options. The ADRC also helps people apply for programs and benefits, including publicly funded long term care.

Your future

Wondering where to start?

We are here to support you without any obligation.