Presbyterian Homes & Services (PHS) is committed to the spiritual care of residents and their families. Chaplains consider it a privilege to minister to residents no matter what life brings their way and they always maintain confidentiality and respect privacy.
The care of a chaplain is available when:
A resident is going into the hospital
The Chaplain offers spiritual support when a resident is hospitalized. If they wish, the Chaplain can contact the resident’s local church and/or the hospital spiritual care staff on their behalf. The Chaplain can also follow up with them when they return and offer spiritual support as they recover.
A resident is ill for a prolonged period of time
When their health keeps a person from attending chapel service or other community activities, they may feel isolated. The Chaplain can visit to see how the resident is doing, pray with them and, if they wish, arrange for them to receive communion.
A resident is facing a crisis
Life happens and it’s not always easy. The Chaplain can extend spiritual comfort and support through compassionate presence, prayer, and confidential counsel.
A resident is facing the end of life
The Chaplain can attend to a resident and their family as they cope with death and dying. A Bedside Memorial and/or Procession of Honor are available as is coordination of funeral/memorial services.
A resident seeks prayer support
The Chaplain is always willing to pray with or for a resident or someone they care about. Chaplains are committed to uphold confidentiality and will not carry a personal prayer forward to others without permission.
A resident has spiritual or moral questions
These could be questions about the Bible and its teaching, or when they are wrestling with their faith. The Chaplain is a source to assist with acceptance and spiritual direction.
Keep in mind; this is not an exhaustive list. Residents and their families can call the Chaplain for other times and situations. Knowing the spiritual needs of a community allows our Chaplains to offer their best.