Know that helping others makes residents feel good and it also makes you feel good. It just does good. Many know that work isn’t always fun, but this work is always fun, and every resident becomes one of your friends.
Discover restorative senior living in Hutchinson, MN
Living options available at Harmony River
Included amenities
- Basic cable tv
- Electric
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Dining services - additional options
- General store
- Guest dining services
- Handyman services
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
A look at some of our floor plans
Now is your time to thrive. Stay close to family and live your best life.
What residents are saying.
Every resident becomes one of your friends
I feel connected to my loved ones
It is wonderful to see the beautiful place and staff where our loved ones stay and are being well cared for! I feel connected to my loved ones with the photos of how they live and how they are doing! Keep doing an excellent job of a great experience for all!
Harmony River is conveniently in Hutchinson, MN
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Pam Radunz
Resident Services Director
Harmony River Annual Block Party
Harmony River celebrated our Annual Block Party with entertainment, food, and fun! The theme was “summer” which encompassed all the fun, excitement and warmth that we look forward to during this time of year.