She likes her new apartment, especially the new carpet smell. When her friends visit, she takes pride in the compliments she receives. It’s a notch up for her. The staff has been very understanding. Before she moved, they showed her the new place. That helped calm her anxieties about the change and build her enthusiasm for the move.
Enjoy vibrant senior living in Ankeny, IA
Living options available at Mill Pond
Included amenities
- Billiards
- Basic cable tv
- Electric
- Fitness center
- Library
- Movie theater
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Dining services - additional options
- Garage parking
- General store
- Guest dining services
- Guest suite
- Handyman services
- Housekeeping
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
- 2nd occupant for AL/MC
A look at some of our floor plans
Now is your time to thrive. Stay close to family and live your best life.
What residents are saying.
She likes her new apartment
A source of pure joy for Dad
The ponds were a source of pure joy for Dad. Having a fishing hole in his backyard made enjoying this hobby easy. For shore fishing, it’s the best. You are almost guaranteed to catch a bluegill from every cast. Dad and I often talked about giving back to Mill Pond to help the ponds.
Mill Pond is conveniently located in Ankeny, IA.
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Rhonda Danner
Resident Services Director
Virtual tour of MIl Pond
Take a virtual tour around Mill Pond to see all the great amenities offered at the community!