Experience exceptional senior living in Cottage Grove, MN
Living options available at Norris Square
Included amenities
- Basic cable tv
- Electric
- Fitness center
- Library
- Movie theater
- Telephone service
- Wood shop
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Car wash bay
- Dining services - additional options
- Garage parking
- General store
- Guest dining services
- Guest suite
- Handyman services
- Housekeeping
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
- Storage locker
- 2nd occupant for AL/MC
Granville “Granny” Smith’s Liberty Dream
The team at Norris Square hit a home run when they arranged for resident Granville “Granny” Smith to attend a recent Park High School baseball game. He’s a pretty big deal around these parts!
A look at some of our floor plans
Norris Square is conveniently located in Cottage Grove, MN.
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Sarah Houk
Housing Counselor