Experience vibrant senior living in Chanhassen, MN
Living options available at SummerWood of Chanhassen
Included amenities
- Artistic/creative space
- Billiards
- Basic cable TV
- Electric
- Fitness center
- Library
- Movie theater
- Wood shop
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Car wash bay
- Dining services - additional options
- Garage parking
- General store
- Guest dining services
- Guest suite
- On-site maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
- Storage locker
A look at some of our floor plans
Now is your time to thrive. Stay close to family and live your best life.
What residents are saying.
SummerWood of Chanhassen is conveniently located in Chanhassen, MN.
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Maureen Homa
Housing Counselor
Jennifer Hissam
Campus Administrator
At PHS, every individual is a beloved child of God – intimately known and eternally loved in Christ. That’s why we seek to enrich the lives and touch the hearts of older adults we serve. This mission is made tangible through the efforts of incredible staff, enabling those in communities to connect, grow, thrive and celebrate the gift of each new day