The culinary staff goes out of their way to provide excellent food and a great dining experience. We eat meals here, we exercise every morning downstairs, walk around the building, participate in classes. There’s so much – you can’t do it all!
Discover exceptional senior living in Oak Park Heights, MN
Living options available at Boutwells Landing
Included amenities
- Artistic/creative space
- Basic cable tv
- Fitness center
- Library
- Movie theater
- Swimming pool
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Dining services - additional options
- Garage parking
- Guest dining services
- Guest suite
- Handyman services
- Housekeeping
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
- Storage locker
A look at some of our floor plans
Now is your time to thrive. Stay close to family and live your best life.
What residents are saying.
A great dining experience
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about the immense appreciation our family has
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about the immense appreciation our family has for the staff at Boutwells Landing, and especially those who work at The Gables care center. We are so grateful that mom and dad chose to enter the Boutwells Landing community in 2002 on the day it opened. The community brought them opportunities to continue to be lifelong learners, to invest in the community through committee involvement, to meet new friends and develop significant relationships, to age with integrity and dignity, and to feel the love and support of a faith-filled senior community.
Boutwells Landing has given me many opportunities.
Boutwells Landing has given me many opportunities to use my talents to bring neighbors together for social fun of all kinds. I thank the staff and the residents of Boutwells who responded to my efforts to make joy together.
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Exceptional senior dining
At Boutwells Landing, restaurant-style dining satisfies your palate while nourishing your soul.