Experience vibrant senior living in Cedar Rapids, IA
Living options available at HallMar Village
Included amenities
- Artistic/creative space
- Basic cable TV
- Electric
- Fitness center
- Library
- Movie theater
- Swimming pool
- Wood shop
Other conveniences
Fees may apply
- Business office services
- Car wash bay
- Dining services - additional options
- Garage parking
- General store
- Guest dining services
- Guest suite
- On-site maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Rehabilitative services
- Salon
- Storage locker
Hear what residents have to say about HallMar Village
Learn what residents were looking for and what they found at this senior living community in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. You can also gain an invaluable senior living experience here at HallMar Village, whether you’re looking to maintain independence or grow as you become a part of this new community.
Community map
Contact us to inquire about specific living and care options or to schedule a tour.
Tour HallMar Village!
Tag along for this immersive tour, where you’ll be taken through the beautiful common spaces that this senior living community offers to each of its residents.
HallMar Village is a joint ministry of Mercy Medical Center and PHS. This senior living community in Cedar Rapids, Iowa offers independent living, assisted living, and memory care apartment homes as well as long term care suites. Check it out!